Tut Anch Amun Exhibition Munich - 2009-06-27

Because the original treasures of the tomb of Tut Anch Amun would never again leave egypt, some people decided it was time to create perfect replicas and make an exhibition out of them. That way also the pieces could be shown much closer and with much less security to the public. To the eye, however, the replicas would be indistinguishable from the real thing.

When the exhibition started this spring there was a lot of hype around it, and I was not sure if it was justified. But after the exhibition has been recommended by two friends I finally went to see it. I think if one is interested in ancient egyptian culture and of course especially the rituals surround death and the afterlife then the exhibition really is great. If not however, it will quickly become just another museum showing old stuff. I however and very interested in ancient egypt and especially their mysticism, so I enjoyed it a lot.

By the way, I use the german spellings for egyptian names even though the rest of the text is english, so don't be confused why I write Tut Anch Amun and not Tut Ankh Amun.